Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Half of Irene

Welcome to our BMH Blog.
We will be using this site to keep you all up-to-date with as much information as possible.
Thank you for your support and prayers already, it's working!

Initial Mid-Irene Report from Camp Symonette:

We just spoke to Randy McCurdy, BCMC Youth Coordinator, who has been at Camp Symonette for the past few days. He has been working with KP and our friends of James Cistern in repsonse to Hurricane Irene. Here is what he shared with us at 8:30 CST / 9:30 EST.

Camp Symontte:
Everyone is safe.
KP, Vonnia, Ojay, Pauline, Pastor White and roughly 40 others at Camp taking shelter.
Minor damage, some shingles from the dorms off.
A quarter of the upstairs BMH office blown off on the west side, even the plywood.
6:00am was really bad.  Right now it's kind of calm but the second part is coming pretty soon.
ZNS (National news) stated that Acklins and Crooked Islands have 90% destruction.
Cat Island got a direct hit but no reports from them yet.
Eleuthera also received a direct hit but "not too bad".
We will know a lot more later this afternoon once we are able to go out into the community.

Ken Culmer, BMH Treasurer, who lives 40 minutes south of Camp in Tarpum Bay:
We are safe and doing okay.
No storm surge on the Caribbean side, which is a big relief!
High winds so probably a lot of roof damamge.
I was talking to KP until about 12:45am last night.
Wind gusts upward of 125mph
I'm not going outside until this afternoon.
It's bad, but not as bad as it could have been.
The local radio news has been really good at keeping us informed.

Freddy Ferguson, James Cistern (via Jeff Moore BH Board Member):
I have been getting Blackberry communication from Freddie Ferguson in Rainbow Bay, EL.
At 6:44 AM eastern the eye was in Rainbow Bay and he went out. Most everything was intact, he had some damage on the back of his house. I told him he was CRAZY for going out. The latest message was very short it said “Weather is intense here” that was 9:15 eastern.  I sense some concern in the last communication. Keep the prayers coming.

From our experience we know we will need lots of each of these items but will not know in detail for a couple more days. Stay tuned...
Roofing Plywood
30 lb. Felt Paper
Button Cap Nails
Shingle Nails
Financial Support (Follow the link on the right side bar to Donate)
Volunteers for clean-up and repair (Be on stand-by)

Thank you for your prayers and support. Keep praying WITH all whom are being and will be affected by Irene.

We will do our best to keep this blog up-to-date with as much information as possible.

Peace and Love.
Abe and the BMH Family

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting this information source together, very helpful.
